WPC wall cladding

Acetech series WPC wall cladding panels can be used internally and externally. It is composed of 60% recycled wood fibre, 30% recycled HDPE and 10 % additives. It is capped with strong and durable polymer on all sides of the panel. The panel is tested and complies with European Standard EN 15534 series. Further Acetech Comosite wall cladding has 20 years residential warranty and 15 years commercial warranty.

Key features

Durability: Our cladding boards and trims are resistant to rot, termites and decay.

Aesthetic appeal: Perfect blend with building facade, comes in 4 natural colours ie. Teak, antique, charcoal and walnut

Weather resistant: It can perform in all types of weather condition 

Low maintenance: Doesnot require regular staining and sealing, easy to mainatain

Easy installation:  Our WPC cladding  system is striaghtforwad installation. 

Trims: Along with main panel we have starter trim, L shaped edge trim and corner trim to suite various setout